
Explore the essential steps of enrollment for your child to embark on an exciting journey of learning and discovery at Kids Kingdom.

Step 1 Document Preparation

The following documents are required to be submitted with the application form.


Photocopy of Child’s
birth certificate


Photocopy of Child’s passport
(photo page only)


Photocopy of Parents’
passports/Thai identification
cards (photo page only)


Photocopy of Child’s house

(for Thai applicants only)


Photocopy of Child’s
immunization record


Child’s passport-size photo


Medical certificates regarding
medical conditions,
allergies, long-term medication, or
treatment (if any)

Step 2 Application Form Submission

The complete application form can be submitted via email or in person at the school office.

Step 3 Application Review & Class Placement

We accept enrollment at any time during the year. Students from all nationalities
who are eager to engage with and thrive in our programs are welcome.

Class placements adhere to the age norms of the International Preschool Curriculum, and
exceptions to these ranges are rare and granted only in exceptional cases.

To maintain diversity, nationalities, and genders are also taken into consideration when assigning students to classes.

Step 4 Enrollment

Once a place has been offered, an invoice for the registration fee will be sent to you. This non-refundable fee must be paid in
order to hold your child’s place. The invoice for the tuition fee will be sent to you one month before the first day of school.