Learning Approaches
Play Based Learning
“Play is how children begin to understand and process their world,”
“Children's play unlocks their creativity and imagination, and develops reading, thinking, and problem solving skills as well as further develops motor skills. It provides the base foundation for learning.”
Our philosophy is based on learning through play. At Kids Kingdom, play is a very important part of learning as we believe that play is the foundation of all learning. Through play children can develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally, and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments.
Children build vocabulary and oral language skills doing many of the things they love to do: drawing, playing with dolls and stuffed animals, playing with cars, building with blocks, dressing up, and playing pretend in a kitchen or home center. The language and conversation kids use during these play times provide a strong literacy base for a child entering kindergarten.
Our teachers help children during play; providing them with opportunities and facilitating the process by setting up and organizing the right environment. Teachers acknowledge these experiences by articulating what they observe and letting the preschooler absorb these accomplishments again.
Dramatic / Role Play
where children play with dressing up in costumes, assuming roles as characters, creating imaginary settings, and pretending to take on the roles of adults.
Manipulative play
during which children enjoy puzzles, block building, bead- ing, lacing etc to enhance their fine motor skills.
Physical play
body in activities with bikes, balls, jump ropes, hoops, sand play, etc. Teachers focus on improvement of skills in co-or- dination, control, manipulation and movement.
Creative play
includes painting, coloring, cutting, gluing, scribbling etc using a variety of art tools. Arts & Crafts activities help to boost a child’s self-esteem and self regulation and also build on a child’s fine motor coordi- nation.
Sensory play
is important for young children, giving them endless ways to develop and learn. Children can use all their senses to discover and explore their environment, and develop their imagination; creative thinking and ability to problem solving and experiment with solution.